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Enigma Index

I am posting some of my solutions to New Scientist puzzles here.  There are only a small selection of these puzzles – those that particularly interest me or those I use for testing various utilities that I have used in puzzle solving.   If you want a comprehensive coverage of the New Scientist puzzles in Python, I recommend Jim Randell‘s Enigmatic Code site.

Back Page Puzzles

Puzzle 23  –  Circling the Squares

Puzzle 24  –  Three Stamps

Puzzle 73  –  Changing Guard

Puzzle 102  –  Passport to Success

Enigma Puzzles

Enigma 494  –  Look Blank

Enigma 495  –  Lack of Details

Enigma 497  –  The Longest Puzzle in the World?

Enigma 498  –  Vowel Count

Enigma 499  –  Mathematical Spelling Test

Enigma 500  –  Child’s Play

Enigma 501  –  A Reciprocal Arrangement

Enigma 503  –  Early in the Season

Enigma 505  –  A Pretty Puzzle

Enigma 508  –  A Colourful Deception

Enigma 509  –  Banking on a Prime

Enigma 510  –  Out of Court

Enigma 511  –  Double, Double

Enigma 512  –  Sufficient Evidence

Enigma 514  –  State of the Parties

Enigma 515  –  Foreign Ties

Enigma 516  –  The ABC of Division

Enigma 517  –  Walk in the Dark

Enigma 518  –  The Day of Reckoning

Enigma 519  –  Fibonacci Thimbles

Enigma 526  –  Ewe to Move

Enigma 527  –  Sum Secret

Enigma 531  –  Petits Fours

Enigma 540  –  Icarus Allsorts

Enigma 543  –  Spires Point the Way

Enigma 544b  – Little Puzzlers

Enigma 553  –  Playing For Time

Enigma 570  –  Dead Right

Enigma 579  –  The Great Divide

Enigma 581  –  Trail Blazing Cards

Enigma 586 – The Paint Runs Down

Enigma 587  –  Find the Fractions

Enigma 597  –  Break-Uprithmetic

Enigma 598  –  Break-Down

Enigma 631  –  Fidget Digit

Enigma 642  –  Fibonacciesque

Enigma 835  –  Treble Top

Enigma 871  –  Pandigitals

Enigma 886  –  Set Square

Enigma 936  –  Shift of Fortune

Enigma 938  –  Trios of Primes

Enigma 948  –  Losing Time

Enigma 957  –  Open the Box!

Enigma 966  –  Prime Tennis

Enigma 967  –  Prime Cubes

Enigma 969  –  Same From All Angles

Enigma 970  –  From Line to Line

Enigma 987  –  Two Halves Make a Whole

Enigma 989  –  Prime Progressions

Enigma 999  –  Combined Celebrations

Enigma 1000 –  One Thousand Times

Enigma 1006  –  Booklist

Enigma 1714  –  Building Sand Castles

Brain Teasers

Teaser 696  –  The Browning Version


Puzzle   17  –  Goals Rewarded
