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Sunday Times Teaser 2675 – Should Old Acquaintance …

by Victor Bryant

I have assigned integer values between 1 and 26 (in some order) to the letters of the alphabet, two specific values being A = 5 and B = 24. The values of words are then determined by the sum of their letter values.

As a result the value of OLD is the average of the values of SHOULD and ACQUAINTANCE. The values of NEW and YEAR are the same and are equal to the value of OLD when its two digits are reversed.

The above information is sufficient to deduce the values of N, E and W.

What is the value of the word NEW?

2 Comments Leave one →
  1. brian gladman permalink

    This is a bit slow and would probably be faster if I had used a recursive approach. But it gets the job done.

  2. ahmet cetinbudaklar permalink

    This is my approach without checking its uniquness:

    NEW = YEAR and OLD = 3A + 2(U + N + C) + Q + I + T + E + S + H gives us 71 < OLD < 75 and 17 < NEW < 57 Thus by trial and error we get: N = 3, E = 11, W = 23, Y = 12, A = 5, R = 9, O = 22, L = 25, D = 26, U = 1, C = 2, Q = 4, I = 6, T = 7, S = 8, H = 10. Happy New Year with full of health and happiness!

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