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Sunday Times Teaser 3165 – Round the Bend

by BRG on May 19, 2023

by Howard Williams

Published Sunday May 21 2023 (link)

My new craft project involves card folding and requires a certain amount of precision and dexterity. For the penultimate stage a rectangular piece of card, with sides a whole number of centimetres (each less than 50cm), is carefully folded so that one corner coincides with that diagonally opposite to it. The resulting five-sided polygon also has sides of integer lengths in cm. The perimeter of the polygon is five twenty-eighths smaller than that of the perimeter of the original rectangular card.

As a final check I need to find the new area of the card.

What, in square centimetres, is the area of the polygon?

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6 Comments Leave one →
  1. BRG permalink

    Here is the layout used in the program below:

    The rectangle has sides of length a and b and its diagonal is of length c; the fold line, which crosses the diagonal at its mid-point and is perpendicular to it, is of length d. The relationships between the various lengths can be derived using similar triangles. Since the fold line has an integer length, we know that the diagonal must be rational which means that (a, b, c) a Pythagorean triple.

  2. Frits permalink

    I ended up with more or less the same program as Brian.

    Jim Randell already has used Pythagorean triples. Luckily I found a different approach (divisors).

    @Brian, when I use (without even calling divisors()):

    the program runs considerably slower . This doesn’t happen when I import divisors from enigma.

    • BRG permalink

      @Frits, I believe Jim optimes factors and divisors in enigma for small values, whereas I optimise for large values by caching primes on import.

  3. John Z permalink

    I asked ChatGPT to write the Python code to solve this Teaser. What it produced does not work. As a curiosity, here it is:

    • BRG permalink

      Hi John, I have also tried this on some of the teasers with variable success. After seeing your attempt I tried to guide it to a correct solution by suggesting what was wrong with its efforts. I gave up after several attempts, none even close to being correct.

  4. John Z permalink

    #returns the integer square root of x if x is a perfect square, else False
    squif = lambda x : y if x == (y := int(x ** 0.5)) ** 2 else False

    for a in range(1, 50): # height of rectangle
    for b in range(1, 50 – a): # fold position

    # c is diagonal of rectangle (a, b); d = length of fold, must be integers
    if ((c := squif(a * a + b * b)) and
    (d := squif((a * a) + (c – b) ** 2)) and
    (2 * (a + b) + d) * 14 == (a + b + c) * 23):

    print(‘Rectangle h:’, a, ‘w:’, b + c, ‘fold length:’, d)
    print(“area”, a * (c + b + b) // 2 )

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