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by BRG on May 3, 2013

Sunday Times Teaser 2182 – Team Bonding

by Ahmet Cetinbudaklar

The 21 members of a football squad, who wear the numbers 1 to 21, were asked to attend a training session but some were missing as a result of injuries. They were asked to stand in a circle in such a way that, for any adjacent players, one of their numbers was a multiple of the other.

It was then noticed that this was the largest number of players from the squad for which this was possible.  One player also noticed that the sum of the numbers of his immediate neighbours was equal to the lowest of the numbers among the missing players. A little further clockwise around the circle, another player found that the sum of the numbers of his immediate neighbours was equal to the highest number among the missing players. In no case did any player’s two immediate neighbours numbers add to 20.

Starting at player 1, list the numbers of players around the circle clockwise.

Another one form the past!

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