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by BRG on October 16, 2020

Sunday Times Teaser 3030 – Pot Success

by John Owen

Sunday October 18 2020 (link)

In snooker, pot success (PS) is the percentage of how many pot attempts have been successful in that match (eg, 19 pots from 40 attempts gives a PS of 47.5). In a recent match, my PS was a whole number at one point. I then potted several balls in a row to finish a frame, after which my improved PS was still a whole number. At the beginning of the next frame, I potted the same number of balls in a row, and my PS was still a whole number. I missed the next pot, my last shot in the match, and, remarkably, my PS was still a whole number.

If I told you how many balls I potted during the match, you would be able to work out those various whole-number PS values.

How many balls did I pot?

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