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by BRG on February 15, 2014

Sunday Times Teaser 2682 – 007

by Graham Smithers

Each of the villains Drax, Jaws, Krest, Largo, Morant, Moth, Sanguinette and Silva are ordered to disprupt the orbits of a different one of the planets Earth, Jupiter, Mars, Mercury, Neptune, Saturn, Uranus and Venus.

But each of the agents Brosnan, Casenove, Connery, Craig, Dalton, Dench, Lazenby and Moore have been assigned to deter a different villain.

For all eight combinations of villain, planet and agent, when the names are taken in pairs (villain/planet, planet/agent and agent/villain), exactly two different letters of the alphabet occur in both.

List the eight agents in alphabetical order of their assigned villains.

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