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by BRG on August 17, 2019

Sunday Times Teaser 2969 – Slide Rules

by Stephen Hogg

Published August 18 2019 (link)

Using her ordinary 15cm ruler and Zak’s left-handed version (numbers 1 to 15 reading right to left) Kaz could display various fractions. For instance, putting 5 on one ruler above 1 on the other ruler, the following set of fractions would be displayed: 5/1, 4/2, 3/3, 2/4 and 1/5. Zak listed the fifteen sets starting from “1 above 1” up to “15 above 1”.

Kaz chose some fractions with values less than one from Zak’s sets (using just the numerals 1 to 9, each once only in her selection). Of these, two were in simplest form, one of which had consecutive numerator and denominator. Zak correctly totalled Kaz’s selection, giving the answer as a fraction in simplest form. Curiously, the answer’s numerator and denominator were both palindromic.

Give Zak’s answer.

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