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by BRG on October 31, 2016

Sunday Times Teaser 2823 – Queuing

by John Owen

Published: 30 October 2016 (link)

Tickets for the event went on sale at 0930. The queue started at 0900 when 2 people arrived, then 4 more at 0901, 6 more at 0902 and so on until 60 more arrived at 0929. Just 16 people arrived at 0930, 16 more at 0931, 16 more at 0932 and so on. Tickets were sold steadily at a rate of 25 per minute (one for each person in the queue).

Joe and I were the first to arrive at our respective minutes, but we had identical waiting times before being sold our tickets, and no-one waited for less time to get their ticket. Joe was lucky to get the last ticket to be sold.

At what time did Joe join the queue?

NOTE: This is a clarified version of the text published in the Sunday Times

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